pastpresentfuture_525This Sunday is our final Sunday of 2012.  What I would like us to do as Woodland Baptist Church is to reflect on 2012 and prepare for 2013.

Sunday morning, I will be bringing a message from 2 Kings 22 about the young Judean King, Josiah and his reforms to the Kingdom of Judea and how he eradicated idolatry, returning the nation to the proper worship of Yahweh.

This story forces us to ask ourselves – is there anything in our life that needs changing or reforming?  The short answer is yes, but let’s not leave it there, let’s really look at our lives…financially, spiritually, relationally, physically…etc., and commit to the Lord to change where we need to change.

Let’s also ask the questions:  What did we accomplish in 2012?  What do we want to accomplish in 2013?  Where are we headed as a church?  What are we thinking as Christian men?  What are we thinking as Christian women?

Sunday night, we will have a time of “open mic testimony” and let our congregation come and share a Scripture or a testimony or prayer about how they see God moving in our church and what they would like to see accomplished in 2013.

Opportunities to Worship
Sunday School9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship10:30 a.m.
Choir Practice5:00 p.m.
Evening Worship6:00 p.m.
Awana Programs6:30 p.m.
Bible Study Groups6:30 p.m.
Youth Ministries6:30 p.m.