2012 Sermons
06-03-2012-Morning Galatians 4:8-20 – Pastoral Frustrations
06-10-2012-Morning Galatians 4:21-31 – Who is Your Mother, Hagar or Sarah?
06-17-2012-Morning-FathersDay FATHERS = INFLUENCE – Are you leading your family toward Heaven or Hell? John 3 and Ephesians 5 & 6
06-24-2012-Morning Galatians 4:21-31 – Who is Your Mother, Hagar or Sarah? Part 2
07-01-2012, Dan Robertson, Woodland Baptist Home Coming
07-08-2012-Morning Galatians 5:1-15, Faith Working through Love, Part 1
07-22-2012-Morning Galatians 5:1-15, Faith Working through Love, Part 2
07-29-2012-Morning Galatians 5:1-15, Who Has Hindered You?
08-05-2012-Morning Galatians 5:1-15, Who Has Hindered You?
08-12-2012-Amy-Downey Jesus in the Passover
08-26-2012-Morning Galatians 5:13-15 Freedom to Love
10-14-2012-Evening [error on 10/14 am, and 10/21 pm unable to load]
More to come as they are made into files! Will also post sermon notes soon.
Major and Betty Hogue, Arms of Mercy, Greenville, MS – Special Guests for Harvest Sunday!
Does everyone remember this summer when a group of our men traveled to Greenville, MS, and did a small construction project at Arms of Mercy?
Well, the Director and life long friend of mine, Major Hogue and his wife, Betty, will be our special guests this Sunday. 
He will share with us for a few moments from the pulpit, followed by our beginning message in Galatians chapter 6, on restoration of the sinner, a perfect Scripture that exemplifies Major’s calling to those struggling with addictions.
Afterward we will celebrate the Lord’s goodness, mercy and provision together at our annual Harvest Dinner in the fellowship hall, please come and join us, you will not want to miss this!
New Christian Worldview Sunday School Class
Just a reminder that Woodland Baptist Church has started a new Christian Worldview Sunday school class that is designed for those that are members of Woodland but not currently attending Sunday School and those that are attending Woodland but are not currently members.
The class will meet on Sunday mornings during the regularly scheduled Sunday school time and will be located upstairs above the fellowship hall in the Northwest corner room.
Over the next several months we will be answering questions such as…
What is the difference between a Christian Worldview and Non-Christian worldviews such as Marxist Worldviews…or a Secular Humanist Worldviews?
How do my actions and decision making prove the nature of my worldview?
What do we believe as Southern Baptists?
The class is open to anyone that wishes to attend that is not currently attending or enrolled in an established class.