Bible Study Tonight – Proverbs 15:1-17
1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Seeking Wisdom Together – Proverbs 15, 1-17
Garage Sale – Classical Conversations
Everyone, there will be a garage sale at Woodland Baptist Church today until 4pm and tomorrow from 7am-n00n for Classical Conversations of Columbus. All proceeds will go to Woodland Baptist Church as thanks for hosting our community! There are all types of things to choose from, clothes for all ages of children, dresses, toys, antique dolls, a swimming pool and even a Ford Van – $2,500.00 Come and browse and see if you can find something!!
AM Worship – Senior Recognition
Everyone come join us in the morning as we recognize a large graduating class of Woodland Baptist Seniors. Our Senior Pastor and Youth Minister will encourage them from 1 Timothy 4:11-16 – “Setting an Example”
Nathaniel “Bubba” Brauer, Caledonia HS
Caleb Brown, Caledonia HS
Jonathan Comer, Caledonia HS
Courtney Hall, Immanuel Christian School
Brooke Lester, Caledonia HS
Hunter Mullis, Columbus HS
Avery Smith, Caledonia HS