Easter Activities


Friday night 6:30, Good Friday Service, Lord’s Supper

Sunday Morning 6:30am – Sunrise Service at Lock and Dam

PassweekMorning worship 10:30am – Easter Cantata and Resurrection Message

No PM Service

Wednesday Night Easter Egg Hunt

eatereggsEveryone, this Wedneday night during our AWANA time we will have an easter egg hunt in the north end of theeastereggs education building.  The hunt will happen during each group’s recreation time.  This will be a great opportunity to invite a friend!

Creation Ministries Resources

Everyone, just wanted you to know that we purchased a “Mega Resource Pack” from the Creation Ministries International book table and wimagesill make it available to you to check out at your convenience.  It is a great pack with 7 DVDs and 13 books designed to help us think more correctly about Biblical Creation, equipping us to push back against the tidal wave of evolutionary teaching in our culture.  There are resources for all ages, so if you are interested please call the church office.  A list of the resources are below:

  • The Creation Answers Book
  • Creation without Compromise
  • Refuting Evolution 2 Volumes
  • Answer to the Big 4 Questions
  • 15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History
  • The Genesis Flood
  • Skeptics Vs. Creationists – A Formal Debate
  • Stones and Bones
  • By Design:  Evidence for Nature’s Intelligent Designer – the God of the Bible
  • Please Nana…What is Death?
  • Please Nana…Who is God?
  • Creation:  Key to the Dynamic
  • Clash Over Origins
  • Dinosaurs & the Bible
  • From a Frog to a Prince
  • The Age of the Earth
  • The Image of God
  • Artistic Ape Anecdotes

PM Worship – Keep the Sabbath Day Holy – Exodus 20:8-11

images“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Creation Ministries International Conference

imagesEveryone please come and join us at Woodland Baptist Church this Sunday, March 24th, for our first Creation Conference with Creation Ministries International.  We will meet for group Sunday school at 9:30am and worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 and hear from Scott Gillis as he discusses questions involving Creation and Evolution and the dinosaurs.

This will be one of the most interesting conferences we have had at Woodland Baptist, so please make plans to attend!

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