This Sunday we will continue our look into Paul’s heart for the Galatian church. Beginning in chapter 3, Paul began to teach hard against salvation through works of the law through a variety of different ways and now, it is as though his deep reflections on the doctrine of justification through faith in Christ alone pause and the brokenness and “astonishment” he is experiencing is personalized in 4:8-20.
In these verses we get an unusual glimpse into the heart of a pastor/missionary who is literally at a loss to understand how this precious church who so readily and fully accepted the true gospel of Christ has “exchanged the truth of God for a lie” in adding works of the law to their faith for salvation. And, horribly, they had not only exchanged the true gospel for another one that was “no gospel at all,” they had also turned on Paul, as they listened to the false teachers that had come behind him and “corrupted their minds.”

June 3, 2012 – Gal 4 – Pastoral Frustrations, part 2
Things have not changed, although many people today believe otherwise. We have the EXACT same problems in the church today and Satan still sends false teachers to corrupt our minds. For this reason we MUST heed Paul’s words as if they came from God himself…because they did… regardless of what anybody else tells you. Paul’s gospel IS Christ’s gospel.
Come to Woodland Baptist tomorrow with your Bible prepared to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and worship in the Spirit and truth. Every time the Saints gather together we experience the powerful life changing Word of God and worship of God.
Hope to see you there!