Wednesday@Woodland, Vision Casting with Steve Newton

logoEveryone, come join us tonight for an exciting time of discussion and discovery regarding the future of our church building and property.  The entire Property and Planning Committee met last night for over two hours and had a very positive discussion about the future needs for our church.  Come tonight and meet Steve and add to the discussion!!

**Adults and Students will combine for this very important time of discussion.  AWANA will still meet as normal**

Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat, Tomorrow 11am-1pm



Everyone is invited to come to join us tomorrow from 11am-1pm at Woodland Baptist Church for our annual Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat. 

We will have giant inflatables for children, popcorn and hot dogs for lunch, over 10 cars for trunk or treat, games, giveaways and great fellowship with the members of Woodland.

If it is raining by 11am, the event will be cancelled.

Wednesday@Woodland, Barriers to Revival

floodCome join us tonight for a small group discussion of the “Barriers to Releasing the Revival Flood.”  What causes the Holy Spirit to not be free to move among us?  What causes a church to die?

Come tonight as we break into small groups and discuss:

  • Worship Wars and Generational Battles
  • Holier than Thou Judges
  • Unfair Comparisons and “Good Ole Days” Fixations
  • Robbing God to Protest People


Operation Christmas Child Packing Party, Wednesday, October 28th

operationccWoodland Baptist Family, every year we work together to share Christ’s love in the form of sending Operation Christmas Child boxes to needy children all over the world.  This year, we are making it a church wide project to be done Wednesday night, October 28th.

For this happen, we need our folks to contribute funds to purchase the products to go in the boxes ($20-30) plus the shipping fee of $7.00. 

Our goal is to ship 62 boxes, one per AWANA clubber, and so far combined with VBS money, we have enough for 34 boxes (half way there!).  So please help us to reach our goal of 62 boxes by this Sunday. 

Make your check to payable to Woodland Baptist as we are purchasing the supplies to put in the boxes, then next Wednesday night we will all come together to have a packing party!!!

P.A.M. (Pastor Appreciation Month)

W.B.C. Family,

The nature of the service provided by the pastor and his family is unique. God has entrusted to them one of the most precious of assignments — the spiritual well-being of His flock. When a pastor becomes ineffective, the very souls of his or her parishioners are endangered. When eternity isPam in the balance, we should all be concerned.

The pastor and his family live under incredible pressures. Their lives are played out in a fishbowl, with the entire congregation and community watching their every move.

They are expected to have ideal families, to be perfect people, to always be available, to never be down and to have all the answers we need to keep our own lives stable and moving forward. Those are unrealistic expectations to place on anyone, yet most of us are disappointed when a pastor becomes overwhelmed, seems depressed, lets us down or completely burns out.

That’s why God has instructed us to recognize His servants.

“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching” (1 Timothy 5:17).

The deacons would like for everyone to show our pastor how much we love and appreciate him and his family.  We will be taking up a collection this month to present to him and the end of the month.  So please be generous and be sure to designate your check or donation as “Pastor Appreciation.”


Wednesday@Woodland, Revelation 9, “Locusts from the Pit”

rev9-scorpion7 The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces. 8 Their hair was like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth. 9 They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. 10 They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months.