Shoes for Honduras

Awana will be collecting shoes to send with Brad Wright and Chandler Lester to Honduras! They are going to SHINE forjust-do-it-hed-2013 Jesus by sharing the their smiles, the Gospel, and, SHOES! You can donate either gently used or new kid shoes. There will be a travel case for you to place them in, in various locations. We have an AWESOME opportunity to be generous and SHINE where we are. {Anita Lester} 

Disciple Now Weekend 2k15

ImageDisciple Now Weekend 2015

Date – February  13-14 {Fri – Sat}

Theme – Soli Deo Gloria (To God Be The Glory)

Worship Venue – New Salem

Housing: Host From WBC

Sign Up Deadline – January 21st

Cost – $30 (Fee Due January 21st)


D-Now Speaker: Kent Shepherd

Worship: MSU BSU Band

Drama: Blue Mountain Drama Team

This Sunday Worship – Building Blocks of a Bold Disciple – Stewardship

buildingblocksEveryone, come join us at Woodland Baptist Church this Sunday as we kick off our 2015 state theme, “Building Blocks of a Bold Disciple.”  Steve Stone, Associate Executive Director, and church growth strategist will come to share with us about the “cost of discipleship” and what it means to “deny self” and “obey God.”

Our schedule that day will be a little different:

9:00am – church wide breakfast

9:30am – Large group Sunday school – sanctuary with Steve and Shelby

10:30am – AM worship with Steve Stone, guest speaker


Coming to Wednesday Nights…Revelation & Iron Sharpens Iron

nacpattersoniron-sharpens-ironPrepare yourself for one of the most engaging years of Wednesday nights you have ever had!!

Next year, we will explore the treasures found in the Apocalypse of John as we experience 24 sessions of theological exposition of Dr. Paige Patterson, President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

On alternating nights we will also have 24 sessions of “Iron Sharpens Iron,” as we dialogue together concerning the hard questions of theology such as Calvinism and Arminianism, charismatic gifts, church membership, angels, demons, heaven, hell and much, much more.

Our time in Revelation will build toward an incredible peak as the author himself, Dr. Paige Patterson, will be coming to lead us in our fall revival next year!

Prepare yourself for a challenging year theologically and spiritually as we explore the “Building Blocks of a Bold Disciple.”

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

On January 4th, we will delve into discovering our Spiritual Gifts. Everyone (7th grade and up) will receive a copy of a
Spiritual Gift survey to complete. We ask that you complete the survey and return them NO LATER THAN January 18th.

Here is the link to the survey:

Why do we NEED to discover our gifts?

Each gift of the Spirit is vital, and none are more important than others. No matter what your giftedness is, you play an important role in strengthening the church.

Did You Know? 63% of Christians Don’t Know Their Spiritual Gifts?

A study from George Barna showed that nearly two-thirds of Christians don’t know their spiritual gift(s), don’t think they have a gift at all, or claim to have a gift that is not actually biblical.

Most Christians know something about Spiritual Gifts, but many don’t realize how important they are. Believers are given Spiritual Gifts to contribute to the growth of the church. Spiritual Gifts are important because Scripture says that the church needs all of the gifts working together to help build the Body of Christ. Every believer counts! This pamphlet includes a Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire to determine which gift(s) you might have.

The Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to Christians to help build the life and ministry of the Church. Yet, many Christians do not use or even recognize their spiritual gift.