Interesting Article – Christianity Today, June 29th
New York City Churches Will No Longer Be Evicted from Public Schools—For Now

More than 60 churches that faced possible eviction Sunday from New York City public schools should have more room to breathe. The churches will be allowed to continue to meet in public schools, thanks to a permanent injunction issued today from a district court judge.
An ongoing conflict between religious organizations and the Department of Education has kept churches in limbo over the right to rent public school buildings for Sunday worship services. New York City Council speaker Christine Quinn recently blocked a vote to petition the state government to allow houses of worship access to school property. The resolution saw support from 31 of 51 council members, but the state legislative session ended this week, the Queens Chronicle reported.
In December, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal in the case. In February, the city’s department of education disallowed more than 60 congregations from meeting in public schools for a few days. But after a preliminary injunction, the churches were allowed to keep using the school buildings through June.
Churches faced a July 1 deadline on their access to public schools unless the preliminary injunction was extended. Today’s permanent injunction essentially means that those on the side of churches win the case at the district court level, prevailing on the free exercise clause and establishment claims.
But New York City—which has fought this case for 17 years—will likely appeal the case to the Second Circuit. Regardless of how the Second Circuit rules, the losing party at the Second Circuit could still appeal the decision to the Supreme Court.
Jordan Lorence, an attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund has argued the Bronx Household of Faith case since the city decided houses of worship would not be able to meet in public schools.
Location Information for Anderson Grove Community Center
The roughly 5,000-square-foot building on Anderson Grove Road next to the community Headstart Center east of Wolfe Road is “truly a dream come true,” said Dorothy Bradley, secretary of the community”s civic association.
The $220,000 facility, which is the first of several capital improvement projects to be completed in Lowndes County and Columbus parks, has been a “long time in coming,” said Anderson Grove Civic Association Chairman Lardell Shaw. “It finally happened,” he told a crowd of citizens at the grand opening Saturday. “We have a community center.”
The center, which is between the community park and Anderson Grove Road, will serve as the go-to place for nearby residents, said Lillie Shaw Glenn, who grew up and still lives in the area. “I like it,” she said, looking around the large main room. “It”s going to be a place to go to. It”ll be nice.”
The building has its own kitchen, smaller rooms for classes and offices, and storage rooms. Community members said they would use the facility for family reunions, community gatherings, civic association meetings and exercise classes. The facility was built years after locals first began pleading with the Lowndes County Board of Supervisors for funding.
Youth Mission V.B.S., July 2-5th – Anderson Grove Community Center
Acts 1:8 – 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
One of our biggest weaknesses in our churches is a glaring deficiency in local missions. Why is that? Could it be because foreign mission trips are seen as more exciting? Perhaps. Could it be that we think that those in foreign lands are more receptive to the gospel? Perhaps, although God’s word is clear that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” so I don’t think that any people group is any more “lost” than any other.
Could it be that with foreign mission trips, we don’t have deal with those that profess Christ for longer than a few days? Perhaps. It’s pretty easy to go into a far away land and sow seeds of the gospel, pat ourselves on the back for going, only to never have to spend more than a couple of days walking with them, “making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” And, more than that, what is going to happen when our churches continue to die because we have not maintained adequate missions to our “Jerusalem?” Let’s do something about it! PARENTS, HELP US ENCOURAGE OUR STUDENTS TO GET INVOLVED IN THIS OPP!!
We have a great opportunity to reach our local population with Mission V.B.S. located at Anderson Grove Community Center, Monday through Thursday, July 2-5th, 8am – 1pm.
This will be a joint venture with the YOUTH and congregation from Woodland Baptist and New Salem Baptist Church; children can come if parents are with them to oversee their involvement.